Hi, I’m Megan.

I’m passionate about helping cross cultural individuals to transition well.

My Approach

“Glocal” Collaboration

I am an Adult Third Culture Kid (who calls 10 countries and 6 U.S. states “home”), writer, podcast host of A Culture Story, and global speaker who designs and delivers socio-emotional programming tailored to globally mobile families and youth.

As a certified intercultural trainer and TCK consultant, I specialize in supporting families and their TCKs in transition. My expertise is sought out by clients ranging from international schools to diplomatic communities, from mission organizations to seasoned expats and TCKs.

My book, “Belonging Beyond Borders: How Adult Third Culture Kids Can Cultivate a Sense of Belonging,” supports cross cultural individuals to process their global and local (“glocal”) experiences.


What People are Saying:

"Megan utilizes her own upbringing growing up and living in 10 countries combined with her expertise as an intercultural trainer, experience with international education and passion in hearing the story of global citizens to put herself in other's shoes, which makes her the perfect empathetic listening ear and consultant to those going through the mental struggle of this complex life and community."

  • Calvin Karuniawan Widjaja

"Megan has a deep and nuanced understanding of the cross-cultural and mobile community and puts that understanding to work creatively and with attention to detail. Event planning showcases her administrative skills and highlights her care for people and setting. Her classroom teaching background gives her an edge in content and curriculum development and presenting/teaching situations and she is a potent team-asset working with diverse populations. Megan’s understanding of Third Culture Kids and adult TCKs, International students and others who move ‘between cultures’ is top notch and allows her to leverage that sensitivity in a variety of settings."

  • Michael Pollock, TCK Specialist and co-author of Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds"

"Third Culture Kid - a term that applies to many but is still virtually unknown in our global world. Megan Norton is out to change that. Raised overseas herself she has a vision for working with globally mobile families - supporting children and teens as they navigate their multi-border life, working with parents to help them navigate the nuance of raising cross-cultural kids. A phenomenal communicator - she is the perfect fit for speaking at your next conference, event, or to help with intercultural training and facilitation. Her dedication, determination, and passion is world changing."

  • Amanda Workman

"Your presentation on helping TCKs transition to university was so helpful! In fact, I would like to submit a proposal to speak about it at the CIS-EARCOS conference in Bangkok in September. I’m a university counsellor at an international school and a TCK myself. Discovering that there are universities out there that distinguish between international student and TCK was a real ‘ah ha’ moment for me. I think this is so important and I hope that by presenting on it at this conference more universities will think to do it."

  • Families in Global Transition Conference 2019 University Counselor; Bangkok, Thailand

Hello; Sziasztok; Bonjour; Guten Tag!

As the daughter of a former U.S. diplomat, I identify as a Global Nomad (Adult Third Culture Kid); and with my extensive international experience, I have a global perspective and demonstrate cross-cultural sensitivity. I have lived in ten countries (in order of moves: USA, South Africa, South Korea, Japan, Israel, Germany, Austria, Greece, Hungary, Poland, and currently in USA), 6 U.S. states (in order of moves: Virginia, Florida, South Carolina, Washington D.C., Michigan, Nebraska), and have visited over 30 countries.

I am an intercultural communication specialist and trainer. This title and the professional skill sets related to it have been applied in different ways over the past ten years specifically in the Third Culture Kid and transnational education space. I co-founded a nonprofit organization called “Intercultural Transitions” (www.interculturaltransitions.org) in which my co-founder and I envisioned serving our university-bound diplomatic TCK communities worldwide. I am also an independent consultant with several organizations that serve Third Culture Kids.

I have presented my (A)TCK research at multiple conferences including Families in Global Transition , SIETAR-USA, NAFSA, IMI, and CIES. I hold a MA in Intercultural and International Communication from American University, and a MA in Strategic and Business Communication from The American College of Greece.  

My Heartbeat: (A)TCK stories, international student engagement, intercultural leadership development, pre-departure/reentry training.

To invite me to speak at one of your events, please email me at megancnorton@gmail.com. Looking forward to hearing from you!