• Anna Seidel- For Global Minds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYP9TdmZcjI — Megan Norton shares her story, what inspired her and who supporter her to create her book Belonging Beyond Borders: How Adult Third Culture Kids Can Cultivate a Sense of Belonging. It's a book for TCKs setting out on their own but can also inspire caregivers and parents. It will help everyone support Third Culture Kids and cross-culture kids better and deepen understanding for some of the specific challenges & opportunities they face.

  • The Way Home Podcast: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/5679ff90-f93b-40ce-9b0f-78e87311376e/episodes/8585f76f-1ee9-4d93-9a82-c5bfcf76346c/the-way-home-megan-appreciating-the-moment —- this episode features megan norton, an adult tck who has done so much for the tck community. we discuss navigating life as an adult tck, working as an intercultural trainer and a tck consultant and finding belonging and contentment in the present moment. hope you enjoy! 

  • Culture Stew Podcast: https://culturestew.libsyn.com/belonging-beyond-borders-megan-norton — What is a Third Culture Kid? Are they adults? How does this cross-cultural experience impact the lives of TCKs? How do we cope with change and return to our parent culture? Megan Norton knows all too well these experiences and struggles. Megan discusses this, and more, with Maria and Roger in this eye-opening conversation.

  • Nomadtopia Podcast: https://www.nomadtopia.com/megannorton/ Identity is often closely tied to our location: where we were born, where we grew up, where we live now. For those of us living nomadic lives, however, that sense of identity can feel out of reach. As we transition from place to place, we experience the grief of leaving our old selves behind and the excitement of stepping into a new world. But how can you find a sense of belonging when you don’t belong to any one place? In this episode, I’m joined by third culture kid educator and author Megan Norton. She’s sharing her experience as an adult third culture kid, how her identity informs her work, and how those of us living highly mobile lives can find belonging wherever we are in the world.

  • The Big Purple Blob Podcast: https://thebigpurpleblob.libsyn.com/031-third-culture-kids-thriving-megan-norton — Megan Norton shares her insights and wisdom after growing up in 6 different countries. As an adult who works with TCKs today she has a lot to share on the curiosity and courage our kids can develop.

  • TCK VOF Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/3-5-tck-and-work/id1523194748?i=1000536534603 —- Megan Norton is an Adult TCK (who has lived in 10 countries and 5 U.S. states), writer, podcast host, and speaker who designs and delivers socio-emotional programming tailored to globally mobile families and youth. Megan hosts workshops and webinars for TCK teens and TCK university students. In this episode, we interviewed Megan on her observations and recommendations for TCKs in the workforce.

  • Quick Takes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJ34dD67XOc — Sea Change Mentoring hosts Tina Quick and special guests Megan Norton and Rachel Cason to discuss friendships and romantic relationships during the TCK/CCK/International School graduate's transition to university.

  • Flourishing Education Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5ZcV8TH8raejdrUS7Hi3Ob — Today I speak with the talented Megan Norton, an intercultural training consultant, facilitator, and researcher focused on supporting cross-cultural families. and we discuss what we can learn from her experience of being and working with Third Culture Kids (TCK). Such a powerful conversation again! Megan's expertise as an intercultural trainer combined with her experience in international education has enabled her to design socio-emotional and educational programming tailored to globally mobile families and youth. Megan mentors, writes, and consults to enable Third Culture Kids, families, and cross-cultural workers to identify and implement tools and strategies that will help them transition well and thrive wherever they are. Growing up as a U.S. diplomat dependent/Third Culture Kid, she lived in 6 countries (the U.S., South Africa, South Korea, Germany, Japan, and Israel) and has lived in 4 more as an Adult Third Culture Kid (Austria, Greece, Hungary, Poland) in addition to 5 U.S. States (Virginia, South Carolina, Florida, Washington DC, and Michigan). She loves hearing TCKs share their stories and supporting their journey into their next “home.” Megan is also host and producer of “A Culture Story” - a podcast which focuses on cultural identity, belonging, and purpose in relation to intercultural stories.

  • Third Culture Talks: https://open.spotify.com/show/46guojHCwR5gZDB0E5IGN1 — In this episode, we welcome our guest Megan C. Norton, intercultural trainer, podcaster and Adult Third Culture Kid. Currently based in Michigan, we get to share notes on that most particular of states, but further get to explore her more classic story of global nomad life: constantly moving every 3 years as the child of a diplomat and then for work in her adult life. We also discover why a Vietnamese Texas Oil Man might juggle geese.

  • Diesel and Clooney Unpack the World: https://blog.chris-o.com/category/podcast/page/4/ — We're joined by the very insightful Megan Norton (web: adultthirdculturekid.com, podcast: "A Culture Story", Instagram: adult_third_culture_kid) to discuss the cultural impact of sports, the challenges of repatriation, and dole out more useful fashion advice.

  • Sundae Bean: https://www.sundaebean.com/2018/02/19/help-tck-sense-identity-belonging-adulthood/ — I am excited to have special guest Ms. Megan Norton from Intercultural Transitions with us to understand: What TCK (or CCK) stands for and why that matters to parents and their children, The 3 anchors critical you can create to support your TCK to be happy and successful, How already supporting your pre-teen can help them transition on to a successful college experience, The biggest hurdles for TCKs. Ms. Megan Norton is not only an intercultural training specialist and researcher focusing on trends in transnational higher education she is also an Adult Third Culture Kid, having lived in 10 countries and 5 U.S. States. She combines her lived experience with her professional expertise as an intercultural trainer to design programming tailored to globally mobile students. You can find her micro-blog here: www.adultthirdculturekid.com.